just some daily pictures.,

not the best, but just to show you what comes along here


March 01 - 15

tugs: 'Yska & Heinz'
Invasion of the coots
(02) evening view
(03) A nice grey and rainy day
..here too..
all wet
(03) tanker 'Goya'
tanker 'Maaike'
(03) dredger 'Selina jr.'
(04) tanker 'Synthese 10'
(04) tug 'Waterman'
just three
(04) policevessel 'Nieuwe Diep'
(05) one of these nice mornings
tug 'SB 13'
(05) ferry 'Pont 4'
canalboat 'Pierre Janssen'
'Pont 4'
(06) 'Wilson Mersin' is here and there comes the fuel
tanker 'Ariane'
one sharp turn and she is there
(06) rivercruise 'Prins Willem Alexander'
tanker 'Rovi'
coaster 'Wilson Mersin' and Maja crane 'Enterprise'
'Wilson Mersin'
(06) 'Wilson Mersin'
(07) tug 'Dancing Water'
tug 'Zuidpool'
(07) an other Maja crane 'Cornelis Tromp'
must be a nice view up there
but he looks down ..aw
unloading cargo 'Amphira'
07\ ''cargo 'Amphira'
(07) tanker 'Illusion'

Rating: 5 stars
56 votes

March 16 - 31

(16) - inlandtanker 'Voyager'
Swan and coot , enjoying a given apple
(16) - KLM
(16) - EasyJet
(16) - AirEuropa
(17) - The view
(17) - The view, it's still nice
..from a distance
..but it is changing...
(17) - some ships in small harbor
..on every empty spot..
.. comes residential towers, now even between industry but the last will need to move
and it goes fast, very fast ..
(17) - ..and finally I can say, "..there goes the View"
(17) - 'Eurostar'
(18) - A nice morning
(18) - sunrise
climbing up..
a closer look
A bit shy but there is Sunny
(19) - pleasureboat 'FlyFish'
(19) - tug 'Esperance'
nice clouds
(19) - tug 'Jelle Auke'
(19) - pushboat 'Votrans'
(19) - coaster 'Lisa D.'
coaster 'Lisa D.'
(19) - tug 'Dancing Water'
(19) - Silver Moon
(24) - A very very nice morning
A very nice morning
..yes it is a nice morning there too
Adamtower reflecting
(24) - And it is a nice morning at NDSM too
(24) - Goodmorning to all
(25) - bunkership 'Lauwersoog'

Rating: 5 stars
51 votes