just some daily pictures.,

not the best, but just to show you what comes along here


January  01 - 15

(01.01) Happy New Year
(01.01) Happy New Year
(01.01) Happy New Year
(01.01) Happy New Year
(01.01) passengership DFDS 'King Seaways' (163x27m)
(01.01) a little overview
(01.01) passengership DFDS 'Princess Seaways' (161x28m)
(02.01) passengership 'Aurora' departing, after a day delay due the hard wind
(02.01) passengership 'Aurora' (270x33m)
(02.01) passengership 'Aurora'
(02.01) passengership 'Aurora' (270x33m)
(02.01) passengership 'Aurora' (270x33m)
(02.01) coaster 'Wilson Malm' (107x15m) unloading at OMYA
(02.01) inlandtanker 'Ariane' with fuel for Wilson Malm
(02.01) coaster 'Wilson Malm' (107x15m)
(03.01) coaster 'Wilson Malm' the last bits
(03.01) there comes the assisting tug 'Chelsey'
(03.01) and the vlet 'KP1'
(03.01) ...
(03.01) tiny but strong
(03.01) 'Wilson Malm'
(03.01) 'Wilson Malm'
(03.01) 'Wilson Malm'
(03.01) 'Wilson Malm'
(03.01) 'Wilson Malm'
(03.01) a last snap for home
(03.01) and there she goes
(03.01) and when ready, the floating crane 'Enterprise' is ready to go too
(03.01) 'Enterprise'
(03.01) MAJA crane 'Enterprise'
(03.01) 'Brisani'
(03.01) 'Res Nova'
(03.01) 'Amy'
(03.01) 'Mosella'
(06.01) 'Columbus'
(06.01) 'Kokmeeuw'

Rating: 4.9615384615385 stars
78 votes

January  17 - 31

(17.01) it started nice grey and wet
(17.01) last night arrived, the 'Wilson Varna' from Norway
(17.01) 'Wilson Varna'
(17.01) 'Wilson Varna'
(17.01) testing 'IJveer 63'
(17.01) at 10:05 we have grey weather
(17.01) at 12:30 the sky is less grey, a little blu-ish
(17.01) and at 13:37 it even looks it is going to be a nice day
(17.01) muhahaha at 15:59, a complete snowstorm
away is the view
they are used to it and work goes on
(17.01) 17:22 evening starts, looks nice but a lot colder
(18.01) a sunny day 'Waddenzee' ex navy buoylayer
(18.01) Smoked eel and salmon seller
(18.01) 'Waddenzee'
(18.01) cargo 'Banzai'
(19.01) mist taking over after midnight
(19.01) Amsterdam slightly disappears
(19.01) misty and cold
(19.01) 16:15, last sun and a light moon
(19.01) north Amsterdam, the moon looking over crane-city
(19.01) the latest crane
among his friends, destroying the future view
(19.01) the pancake restaurant 'Pannenkoekenboot'
(19.01) with its rust-spots, it looks a pancake itself
(19.01) zoom to the moon
(20.01) - 05:51 dark and cold, bedtime
(20.01) - 13:15, sunny and cold
(20.01) - 'Rhoenland'
(20.01) - tanker 'Diane'
(20.01) - tanker 'Marten Deymann'
..( scream ).. "Hey Asshole!"
..( Dive! )..
..( than run like hell )..
"Huh! ..wh-wha what ?.. ..who.. ..?"
(20.01) - 17:08 end of the day
(20.01) - tanker 'Tourmaline'
(20.01) - 17:28
(20.01) - 4 big barges with coal pushed by 'Veerhaven IV'
(20.01) - pusher 'Veerhaven IV'
...to Germany
(20.01) - 20:08, nice light
(20.01) - 20:18, Goodbye moon.. this night/morning you disappear and will you have 2 dark sites.. goodluck..
(21.01) - a sunny day
(21.01) - 'Branding'
(21.01) - 'Nelly'
(21.01) - 'Empire'

Rating: 5 stars
75 votes