just some daily pictures.,

not the best, but just to show you what comes along here

Februari 1 - 15

(01) - we have snow again
(02) - ..and mist
(02) - passengership 'Mein Schiff 2'
(02) - 'Mein Schiff 2' (316x42m)
(02) - 'Mein Schiff 2' (316x42m)
(02) - (the first and the last) Goodbye Mein Schiff 2
(02) - yeah keep on Smiling
(02) - and the rest of the day..Mist and a happy to see me gull
(02) - rivercruise 'Viking Mani'
(03) - sunny
(03) - ..
(03) - Emirates
(03) - 'Gracias'
(03) - sunny
(03) - 'Somtrans XXIX'
(03) - ...
(03) - 'Selina jr' in sun
(03) - 'Selina jr' in shadow
(03) - sunny 'Pannenkoekenboot'
(03) - buildings and a ship
(03) - Selina jr and a ferry
(03) - pusher 'Herkules II'
(03) - passengership 'Ventura' (289x36m)
(03) - 'Ventura'
(03) - 'Ventura'
(03) - A Last Goodbye to Ventura
(04) - A purple morning
(04) - one minute later, early grey
(04) - with red
(04) - ...
(04) - and rest of the day, mist and rain
(04) - 'Vos Prelude' (74x16m)
(04) - 'Vos Prelude'
(04) - 'Vos Prelude'
(04) - 'Vos Prelude'

Rating: 5 stars
69 votes

Februari 16 - 28

(16) - 'Jason'
(16) - on tow
(16) - 'Matador'
(16) - 'Stadswaterkantoor'
(16) - 'Scout'
(16) - 'Mistral'
few ships
(16) - pushboat 'Statum'
(16) - 'Veerhaven IV' with 4 barges with coal
(16) - 'Veerhaven IV - Neushoorn'
(16) - tug 'Ferox'
(16) - inlandtanker 'Forens II'
(16) - containership 'Addio'
(16) - cargo 'Saviro'
(16) - inlandtanker 'Rhody'
(16) - 'Blue Beryl'
a click construction kit ?
(16) - 'Estero'
(16) - pleasureboat 'Generation X'
(16) - speeding cargo 'Schavuit'
few ships
Inlandtanker 'Alpheus'
tug 'Battle'
port authority 'PA5'
(16) - cargo 'Caron'
(16) - Inlandtanker 'Iduna'
(16) - passengership 'Boudicca'
(16) - passengership 'Boudicca'
'PA5' & 'Boudicca'
'Boudicca' (207x25m) '
passengership 'Boudicca' (207x25m)
passengership 'Boudicca'
'Boudicca ' (207x25m)
passengership 'Boudicca'

Rating: 5 stars
63 votes