Pictures made from and near the NDSM-pier in North Amsterdam  between 09:20 and 10:00 on 17/06/2021 by William Hill

at the NDSM ferry station, IJveer 66 is approaching (a)
IJveer 66 is approaching (b)
IJveer 66 is approaching (c)
at NDSM pier, the radio VERONICA ship (ex-pirate-radio-station 1959 - 1974), shipname = NORDENEY (1949)
at NDSM pier, the low-budget hotel ... AMSTEL BOTEL (Shipname = AMSTEL)
at NDSM pier, POLLUX (1940)former merchant trainingship. (now restaurant)
at NDSM pier, MAHU, an ex-navy mine-sweeper. The ship (1961) makes nowadays boat trips for cancer patients and the maintenance is done by volunteers
at NDSM pier, old ferries in use by historical boattrips (, IJVEER XIII
IJVEER XIII - (1928)
IJVEER XI - (1923)
IJVEER XI - (1923)
seeing from NDSM pier, IJVEER 66 going to station: Central Station
at NDSM pier, ZEUS = rescue training-ship
from NDSM pier, looking over to the otherside to Mercuriushaven, a bulk carrier laying there, the NORD DRACO
from NDSM pier, another big ship near Coenhaven EKATERINA with a huge IGMA crane unloading
NDSM pier, looking to my right and behind the Marina we see MY VISION in Dock at Damen Shiprepair Amsterdam.
at NDSM pier, tug NIENKE passing
from NDSM pier, looking far left and I see in the foggy distance .. OMYA and coaster KVITSAND
inlandtanker PAGANINI
and a passing port-cruise RIVER DREAM
port-cruise RIVER DREAM
another look to EKATERINA
a coming IJVEER 50
and at the otherside behind the wall is the Houthaven, with inlandtankers SANTOS & EENHOORN
and inlandtanker BERGSE DIEP
IJveer 50
at Haparandadam, another ex-piratestation the REM-island / TV-Noordzee (1964), nowadays it's a restaurant
part of the Radarboat KAPITEIN ANNA
the houses that we see often in my 'view' pictures
New Young Ones
seen from IJveer 60, KAPITEIN ANNA
seen from IJveer 60, a better look to MY VISION
as seen from ferry IJveer 60, AMSTEL BOTEL
all in line to exit the ferry as soon as it arrives and the flap goes down
pleasurecraft DELTA QUEEN approaching 'Westerkeersluis'-bridge
back home, from Silodam.. the KVITSAND unloading at OMYA
and a lovely dove welcomes me back home
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