01.10, the weather, Holland

Rating: 5 stars
36 votes

03.10, arrival Saga Pearl II

Rating: 5 stars
36 votes

04.10, MSC Magnifica, Saga Pearl 2, Tesco 3, Claudia, Admiral

Rating: 5 stars
36 votes

05.10, IJmeer, Viking Sky, Wind, Paradis, IJveer 62,Mars, Maasstroom8, Orca, A.Tasman.H.Hudson,coot,heron,omya

Rating: 5 stars
36 votes

06.10, night,morning,PA4,Svitzer, Columbus, Alja,police-boats and chopper,Dakota,PA5

Rating: 5 stars
36 votes

07.10, moonlight,dark morning, silhouette egyptian goose,,Viking Sky,KP1,Kjervaagsund

Rating: 4.972972972973 stars
37 votes

09.10, inlandships, Viking Sun, a heron.

Rating: 5 stars
36 votes

10.10, misty morning and sun

Rating: 5 stars
36 votes

11.10, inlandships

Rating: 5 stars
36 votes

12.10, MSC Magnifica, Hooksiel

Rating: 5 stars
36 votes

13.10, Dakota, PA1, P97, Rodie 2, Columbus, + some more inlandships

Rating: 5 stars
36 votes

16.10-A, misty, arrival Astor, sun..

Rating: 5 stars
36 votes

16.10-B, inlandships, a model?, Departure of Astor

Rating: 5 stars
37 votes

17.10, Navigator of the Seas & inlandships

Rating: 5 stars
33 votes


Rating: 5 stars
32 votes

27.10, Departure Magellan, some inlandships, sky and clouds

Rating: 5 stars
33 votes


Rating: 5 stars
32 votes

29.10, coaster C.Capella, crane Enterprise, passengership Columbus

Rating: 5 stars
33 votes