01 - 15 December

(01.12) - Saturdaymorning 08:16
(01.12) - 08:18, Goodmorning Amsterdam
(02.12) - peacefull sunday afternoon
(02.12) - nice afternoon
(04.12) - moon at 05:58
(04.12) - morning at 6
(04.12) - pleasureboat 'Twelen'
(04.12) - 'Twelen'
(04.12) - tug 'Jan'
(07.12) - passengership 'Columbus' passing inlandtanker 'Volharding 9'
(07.12) - tree lost almost all the leafs/leaves
(09.12) - pusher 'Alk'
(09.12) - rainbow
(09.12) - a waiting PA1 'Castor'
(09.12) - inlandtanker 'Stolt Main'
(09.12) - in the afternoon with a bit stormy weather , passengership 'Balmoral' arrives
(09.12) - 'Balmoral' + assistence
(09.12) - 'Svitzer Typhoon'
(09.12) - 'Balmoral'
(09.12) - 'Balmoral'
(09.12) - Harbor assisting tug 'Svitzer Typhoon'
(09.12) - 'Balmoral'
(09.12) - harbor assisting tug 'Svitzer Amstel'
(09.12) - 'Balmoral'
(09.12) - 'Balmoral'
(09.12) - 'Svitzer Typhoon'
(09.12) - 'Balmoral'
(09.12) - 'Balmoral'
(09.12) - 'Balmoral'
(09.12) - 'Balmoral'
(10.12) - a nice morning
(10.12) - taking a look to see if I am in
(10.12) - is he..?
(10.12) - "Ah there you are"...., "Guys!"
(10.12) - inland cementtanker 'Keizersgracht'
(10.12) - 'Keizersgracht'

Rating: 5 stars
46 votes

18 - 31 December

(18.12) passengership 'Aurora'
(18.12) 'Aurora' passing Stenenhoofd
(18.12) nosepic 'Aurora'
(18.12) pushboat 'Bonanza II'
(18.12) 'Bonanza II'
(22.12) passengership 'Columbus'
(22.12) 'Columbus'
(22.12) nosepic 'Columbus'
(22.12) ass.tug 'Svitzer Muiden'
(22.12) passing Stenenhoofd
(22.12) 'Columbus' underway to PTA
(22.12) passengership 'Columbus' departing
(22.12) port authority 'PA5'
(22.12) 'Columbus'
(22.12) 'Columbus'
(22.12) 'Columbus'
(22.12) 'Columbus'
(22.12) 'Columbus' the last Goodbye
(22.12) The Adamtower
(22.12) Adamtower
(24.12) 'Livia'
(24.12) 'Livia'
(24.12) 'IJveer 51'
(24.12) 'Mixage'
(24.12) Bunkership 'Zaanplus'
(24.12) Oude Houthaven & Pontsteiger-building (1)
(24.12) Oude Houthaven & Pontsteiger-building (2)
(24.12) Oude Houthaven & Pontsteiger-building (3)
(24.12) a Cloudmaker - former Houthaven, building-cranes and chimmney of the nuon powerstation
(24.12) cargo 'Jantine' in Oude Houthaven & Pontsteiger-building
(24.12) cargo 'Jomaja' in Oude Houthaven
(24.12) cargo 'Marja' in Oude Houthaven
(24.12) just a coot passing
(24.12) cargo 'Jantine' in Oude Houthaven
(24.12) cargo 'Scaldia'
(24.12) along the sides

Rating: 5 stars
40 votes